
CES - International Consumer Electronics Show Update: Keynote Remarks by Bill Gates

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05.01.2006, Lesen Sie hier den Bericht über «CES - International Consumer Electronics Show Update: Keynote Remarks by Bill Gates».

Keynote Remarks by Bill Gates, Chairman and Chief Software Architect, Microsoft Corporation 2006 International Consumer Electronics Show

Las Vegas, Nevada January 4, 2006

ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, Chairman and Chief Software Architect of the Microsoft Corporation, Mr. Bill Gates. (Applause.)

BILL GATES: Thank you. My wife and I were certainly thrilled to be named persons of the year for our work with the foundation, and to share it with Bono. The competition, I'm sure, was quite rough, as it always is. Kids probably would have voted for J.K. Rawlings. I'm sure Mother Nature was a choice that almost got it. In fact, probably if there had been one more hurricane, Mother Nature would have been on the cover. For a lot of reasons, I'm glad that didn't happen.

Another past winner was the PC itself; all the way back in 1982, it was recognized that this was something phenomenal, that this would really change the world. And that was when the PC was just at the beginning. Microsoft had MS-DOS, we didn't have graphics interface, and we had just started to build up the software industry around the work that we're doing. And over the last 24 years, it's been quite phenomenal what's grown out of that. And what I want to share tonight is a little bit of glimpse of how that will keep revolutionizing itself, and moving faster than ever before with the magic of software connected to the innovation of our partners.

The Digital Decade

Now, we talk about this as the decade of Digital Lifestyles, the decade of Digital Workstyles. That means that all these tools are becoming mainstream. And it's not just one application that makes it happen. It's not just banking or advertising, or filling out your tax return, or even instant messaging, it's the fact that as you adopt those things they really go together, and it becomes more and more familiar to work in that fashion.

2005 was a very big year. A big year for the personal computer, growth of over 11 percent in Windows PCs, a big year with the introduction of the Xbox 360 that we've been building up to for over five years. But this next year, in some ways, is probably even bigger. This is the year that [Windows] Vista, Office 12 and many other products will come out, and the realization of [Windows] Media Center as a volume mainstream product will really be clear to everyone in the marketplace. Consumers are getting more and more connected. They're getting richer experiences, and software is really at the center of that.

I thought I would start off and show a scenario that we think will be real by the end of the Digital Decade, so within the next four years or so, this will be something we think will actually be realistic. Let's start off, let's say we're at home in the morning. We've got a screen here that shows some of the information that we care about. It comes up and it's kept up to date. We just touch it. We've got some of the kids' drawings here. We can just grab those, move those around, pick different pictures that we want. We see the time of day here. All very simple to work with.

Down here we've got a little bit of a map, and because everyone in the family has decided that they're willing to share their location with the rest of the family, we can see here on the map where mom left early and headed off to that soccer game. We see the family schedule there. So, we're able to track everybody and know what's going on. Here we've got a connection up to our video, and so the latest news information has been categorized. It picks the ones that would be of interest to us, and it actually lets us navigate. So, here I can pick a particular show, news item, that's relevant to the work that I do, and I can see there's been a storm here, it's interrupting the supply chain of a lot of different companies, probably including mine. That could be a real challenge. So, I'll click this button here and say, I would like to track that topic. I would like to continue to watch that video clip, and so as I head in to work that video has now been connected up to my cell phone, and I can watch that as I'm getting into the car and heading off to do my work.

When I arrive there, I've got a nice desktop screen. You can see it's got a lot of area. We think this will be very important. You want to have more information that you can just glance at and work with in a very simple way. The idea of a big screen that uses your full field of vision makes sense to us. Now, of course, instead of using a password, I'll just use my fingerprint here, so I'm authenticated in a more reliable way. I see a lot of different information here, including that news story that I was tracking. I go ahead and set up a little conference call that's going to have a lot of people talking about this problem. And so we can see here our Chief Operating Officer is online, our VP of Operations is only connected up through voice. We're talking through the issue. There is the article there, people are annotating that, seeing how it affects us. I've actually got here on my Tablet PC, that's really logically just part of this screen one PC. I've got a little chart here, and so what I would like to do is go ahead and go in and select that, say, OK, this is a chart that I think is relevant, and I can drag it up here, I can either move it to my desktop, or I can move it into this video conference. So, I'll go ahead and drop it there, and we'll sit and talk about this thing. And say, OK, what's going on with it.

It was actually created, I can see, by Thomas Anderson, and so I'm interested in bringing him into the conversation we have here. So I go off and select him, and say that I want to do instant messaging in a side conversation. We're talking to him, and I indicate, hey, you really ought to come in and give us some advice. I can simply drag him over into the conversation, and so he's there. He's now part of that, so not only do we have his document, but we have his advice, and we figure out pretty quickly what needs to be done.

And actually as we get towards the end of the call, I notice that it's been looking at the traffic in my schedule, and it says there's a traffic jam, so I'm going to have to leave a little bit earlier to get to the airport. I've got a flight today, and actually it puts that right here on my telephone as well, along with the map, suggests an alternate route, so I can grab onto this, and take that with me as I leave work.

Later that day, I find myself in the airport, and all I've got with me on this particular trip is my phone. And yet I'm very interested I figuring out what's the latest, what's going on. And so I can take my phone here, and I just put it down on a table that's here in the airport lounge, and it recognizes it. It's got a little camera here, and a little Bluetooth, nothing very complicated with the magic of software behind it. And it says it wants me to authenticate that this is really me, my phone. So, as soon as I put my fingerprint there, I'm connected up, and I actually get a full-sized desktop. And so now, if I want to read mail, or browse, that's all there. Actually, what I'm going to do is take a business card that somebody handed me while I was on this flight, and just put that down on the table there, and the camera scans that, detects it's there, recognizes it, I'll just flip that over, I've got a little note I made when I was talking with this person about some information they would like to see, and it sees that, gets that text, and then I can take that and say, OK, go ahead and put that into my contacts. So, as I drag it up there, I can see the information being connected up and put down into my phone. So, now I have a reminder of a task, send him that information, and see his picture, his name, his e-mail, it's all been added to my contacts list there.

Well, that's pretty nice, I'll take that off and go ahead and look at whatever mail has come in. In fact, I see that Thomas when we were working there in the office has got a press release and here, because it's very critical they know I'm agreeing with what they've got here, again, I authenticate that this is me, and I make my digital signature available because of the fingerprint there.

Now, that that's sent off, here I am, I'm able to do anything I want, I can see up in the right-hand corner through my calendar it knows the flight I'm taking, so it's showing me exactly how much time I have before I have to leave, so I can work here and get the benefit of the full screen, even though this phone normally just has that small screen. When I'm done, I just pick this up, and of course it's smart enough to recognize now that it's logged me off, and somebody else can come in here and use this and that's just simply available to them.

So, it's a very simple thing to have all these devices working together, and I have that Digital Workstyle, my calendar, the traffic, my contacts, my rich communications done in a very different way.

The phone is very different, the idea of meetings is very different, the way we collaborate, we're able to share across different companies, it's all very different, and that's because we've taken software and put it at the center, the digital approach applied to all of those activities.

Well, we see that in so many areas. I think five or six years ago, if you'd said to people that software would be incredible in terms of making photos better, music better, TV better, phone calls very different, they would have been quite skeptical, they would have thought how can software do that.

Well, now particularly in music, to some degree in TV, they've seen that it makes a huge difference. It allows them to pick the things that they're interested in, it allows them to see it when they want to, to share with friends what they've seen and what they like.

And so this really is the symptom of the great progress we have here in the digital decade.

Software: Make Things Simpler and More Effective

The PC sales growth with Windows PCs exceeding any expectation this year was a great example of that, more relevance, more things that are going on there. Broadband was a luxury only three or four years ago, and now has actually overtaken dial-up, and we're getting over a hundred million broadband users here in the United States and we'll have 80 percent of all online households broadband by the end of the decade. And the U.S. is not even the leading country in that respect, all the developed countries moving very quickly.

So what does it mean? It means that software will come in and make things both simpler and more effective. Picking the music that you want, finding out other things by that artist or similar artists, not having to think about disks and putting them in the case; entertainment, finding the things that are great, seeing them when you'd like to, having a digital jukebox so anywhere in the house you can call up the movies that you own and see those exactly when you want to; photos, organizing not just photos but all the memories of your kids growing up, being able to search those, send them off to relatives, have them appear on various nice screens around the house like that one I had in my kitchen in that scenario I showed; communications, not just with the voice but also with the screens connecting people together, letting them annotate documents, work together in a very rich way: These are scenarios that people can understand, if we make them simple, we make them inexpensive and we drive them through a single interface, everything you learn, the concepts for one activity, whether it's gaming or office productivity get applied across these different activities.

Software for the User

Likewise, these things need to work across all the different devices. So it's not just software for the PC or software for the phone or software for the videogame, it's software for the user. And my preferences, my interests, like how I charge things or the news I care about or who my buddies are, all of those things are reflected on those devices. As I move between devices, the people I've chosen to share my presence with becomes available to them. A friend can see, if I want, what game I'm playing and say they might want to play with me, ask me to join in and do something else; if I'm on my PC working, they can notify me that there's a contest coming up, something that they'd like to engage me in. Even watching TV, the ability to chat with your friends while you're watching the same show or different shows should be something that's very straightforward.

So this cross-device approach is a very, very important approach. In fact, that's complemented by the fact that there will be what we call Live services where a lot of your files, your information will actually be stored out in the Internet, and even if you pick somebody else's device up, once you authenticate, all that information becomes available to you. So moving between different PCs can be a very, very easy thing.

There's a lot of themes there, themes of personalization, themes of empowerment, themes of everything moving to the Internet. What is telephony moving to the Internet? That's voice. What is TV moving to the Internet? That's Internet TV or IPTV. People have to have confidence in these things, automatically backed up, security built-in, very reliable systems that use the cloud storage for those kinds of guarantees, and easy connections, connecting to people, connecting up to devices, a very strong way of driving through all these different scenarios and making them very simple.

In sum, it's very revolutionary, but every year we have big milestones, more adoption, and it only really catches up to us in terms of how it's changed the world of media, changed how the business models work there, changed the way that magazines and newspapers are delivered, changed the way that entertainment gets done, bringing these new interactive elements in; TV, where we've picked the new segments we want, we interact with a learning show, we can find the video that wouldn't have been available in a broadcast system; all of that is becoming very, very mainstream.

Now, a huge component to this is going to be the investments we've made in the Windows platform. The Windows PC is a part of this ecosystem, so it's got to connect up, but a very important part, both as it presents a nearby interface, what we call the two-foot interface, and as it presents a ten-foot interface, the Media Center interface.

The Next Generation: Windows Vista

And so we're going to show you tonight a glimpse of a lot of [Windows] Vista that we've never showed before. We're going to ship this by the end of the year, and so we've got a few months here, we'll continue to refine the user interface, get feedback, make sure we've got this exactly right. But we're very excited to show you where we are, show you some of these new capabilities.

So let me ask Aaron Woodman, the group product manager, to come on out and give you a little look at [Windows] Vista. (Applause.)

AARON WOODMAN: Thank you, Bill.

I'm super excited to be here to get the opportunity to show you Windows Vista. You know, as Bill mentioned, there were really three things our customers wanted from the next generation of Windows PCs. They wanted clarity, a way to cut through that clutter. They wanted an increase confidence while using their PC. And lastly, all of our customers have grown to expect Windows to be a bridge to communication and entertainment experiences. Let's take a look at how Windows Vista really starts to deliver.

The first thing you'll notice is a fresh user interface. All the applications are actually surrounded by glass. It gives you the opportunity to see what's in front, but it also gives you a sense of depth and seeing what's happening behind itself.

We've also improved how you switch between applications. In fact, if I go down to the task bar, I actually get now live previews of the applications, including motion video. We've extended that same live preview concept to do fast application switching of ALT-TAB, meaning that I can now see all of the applications as they're running, find the appropriate one, and continue to see what's happening behind it in the applications in a live mode.

Lastly, in Windows Vista we've created an entirely new way to switch between applications, Flip 3D. Flip 3D moves all of my applications into a 3-D space, allowing me to scroll through them with my arrow keys or quickly with my mouse. And you really get a sense of the graphic capabilities behind Windows Vista.

We've also given you a couple of new ways to actually see information itself. The two that I like are Windows Sidebar and Windows Sideshow. The Sidebar is a space over on the right- hand side of the screen that houses small applications or gadgets that give very specific functionality or information at a glance. There are four in my Sidebar. There's actually a picture window showing some of the pictures that my friends have placed up on MSN Spaces, I have an RSS feed; I even have an egg timer. My favorite though is actually a prototype built by our partner, Fox Sports, and this allows me to see the latest upto-date sports information that I care about. The nice part about this gadget, I can drag it to the desktop and see a little bit more if I care about it. It's a great way to stay on top of the information that's important to you and cut through that clutter.

The next innovation is really the Windows Sideshow. I'm going to hold up this laptop so you can get a sense of what I'm talking about, but essentially it's a small LCD screen built right into the side of the laptop. And essentially it gives me some small applications or gadgets, again providing some specific functionality. My favorite is actually the calendar application, meaning that I can look and see where I need to be, when I need to be there, without having even to have me power the laptop on. That's information at your fingertips, that's what you should expect from the next generation of Windows PCs.

Bill talked a lot about information on the PC, and consumers have been clear, they want great tools to find the information when it's relevant to them, search is important to them. Windows Vista delivers. In fact, if I go to the Start menu, I can now type the application I'm looking for without having to search through lots of folders and immediately find the information that's important. I can go to the Windows Vista library and search for content that I care about. And it's going to search through all of those documents, no matter where they're stored, what they're called, and bring the relevant information to me, providing me that sense of clarity that I look for.

And the last thing, when we think about information it would be hard not to talk about the Internet, and the Web has been critical in bringing the information we care about to consumers.

Let's take a look at our implementation of tabbed browsing but with a twist. I'm going to go up and do a quick MSN search on something that I care about. It's going to bring those up, and I'm going to open up new tabs and they're going to open up right underneath the address bar there. I'm going to go through and decide, yeah, mountain biking zone is interesting, not sure what that one is about, couple others here, and you can see they're all opening up on the right hand side. But that twist I talked about is Quick Tabs. This gives me the opportunity to see all those tabs, the state that they're in, and make quick, fast decisions, really taking the clutter out of the concern in deciding, oh, I don't want that tab, not really that one either, that's the one I was looking for; a great way to give tools that consumers are looking for, give them the information that they expect from the next generation of Windows PCs.

Well, what about confidence? We've made huge investments in Windows Vista in terms of the security, making and hardening the Web experience, including things like the anti-phishing browser. My favorite is parental controls. For the first time ever, the Windows operating system is going to have built-in parental controls. I'm going to go ahead and select my son's account, Toby, and you can see the types of restrictions. As a parent, I now get to decide [what I] implement on my PC: I have Web restrictions, time limits, games. Games is a wonderful example of us working with something that the industry has already rallied around, and that's the game ratings from the ESRB. This means that now when you buy a game, on the packaging you see an emblem, on the game itself, and ahead of time you can decide as a parent whether you're comfortable with that PC and your child playing that game on that PC. That puts parents back in control and it gives them that sense of confidence that they expect with having that PC in their home.

Well, what about experiences? It would be hard to come to the Consumer Electronics Show and just talk about clarity and confidence; well, what about the experiences we expect from Windows? I'm going to talk and show three that I think really move ahead: gaming, memories and music.

Gaming is a wonderful place to start. It's been really paralleled with the PC since we started bringing them into our homes. In fact, there's one application I can think about that has this long rich history working with the PC, Microsoft Flight Simulator. The Microsoft Flight Simulator has been around now for over 20 years. Every time the PC has improved in its performance, its capability, its graphic ability, Microsoft Flight Simulator has really been there to take advantage of those opportunities.

I brought with me actually a sneak preview of the next generation of Microsoft Flight Simulator. It's a really immersive environment that's being led by Windows Vista graphics and the next generation of DirectX.

You can see the realism of the reflection. And I'm actually going to drive or going to try to drive with my Xbox 360 controller plugged directly into my Windows Vista PC. You can really start to see the smoke from the boat, the independent and kind of live life that you see with the waves, with some of the birds and the trees that you'll start to see.

This is the immersive environment that people expect from PC gaming in the next generation of Windows PCs. Windows Vista really starts to deliver.

Off the west coast of Maui, it's not a bad place to be.

So the game developers actually have a little bit more than a year to continue working on the product, so the final product is going to be even better. But one thing is for sure, gaming is going to be awesome on Windows Vista.

All right. Well, what about memories? We all expect memories to be part of Windows, and Windows Vista really delivers an entirely new experience. I'm going to open up the Windows Photo Gallery, which is really the hub of the memories experience within Windows Vista. It gives me an opportunity to see a snapshot view of all the memories I care about, including digital photos and digital video.

I can easily and quickly pace over the images that I'm looking for. We've given you a couple of new tools to find the images. We give you dates so you can quickly find things by date, by tags, by keywords. I can search by keyword. It's a great way to put consumers back in control and easily find the memories that are important to them.

We've also implemented edit functionality right into the operating system. I'm going to actually open up a picture that I want to edit and go to fix. And you can see the types of controls over on the right hand side. I'm going to actually select to crop this image and apply that, and then go on to the next picture. You can imagine how many customers have looked for that type of simplicity.

We also want to continue to provide confidence in the experiences themselves. So what can you imagine would be more frustrating for a consumer than coming back to a picture and feeling like they've lost that original fidelity, because of the number of times they've edited it? They've cropped something a few years ago for a print and come back to the photo and decide, man, I really want the content I cropped out.

In Windows Vista we always save an original, which means years later you can come back to this photo and decide actually I want to see the original fidelity, I want to see the original image. We give you the confidence so that you can do what you want with your memories and never feel lost. It's a great way to put consumers back in control of their PC.

Lastly, I want to show you the experience that we've improved in terms of enjoyment. I'm going to go to some of my favorites and open up the Slideshow. The Slideshow is a wonderful way that people have started to enjoy their photos on the PC. It's a wonderful creative way to gather and get a sense and stay connected to the things that are important.

We've made two good additions in terms of the Windows Slideshow in Windows Vista. The first is the addition of themes. In this case it's the white border moving on a sandy beach and those nice transitions. The second improvement is motion video. That means you no longer have to separate your digital still pictures and your digital video pictures. If you're interested in sharing with them, the Windows Slideshow gives you that opportunity. It's a great way to put consumers again back into control of their PCs and give them what they're looking for.

Well, music. It would be hard to come to the Consumer Electronics Show and not talk about music from Microsoft. In fact, I've brought with me the next generation of Windows Media Player. The first thing you should notice is clean user interface. In fact, when I click on artist, I no longer get this list that scrolls on to infinity, I get this nice, clean user interface. We've really done a great job of integrating the graphics, in this case the visuals or album art. I click songs, I not only just get a list of songs but I get the album art associated with that. In fact, it's actually dynamically there so I can decide how much or how little I actually want to see.

We've improved the management experience within the next generation of Windows Media Player. I go to genre and I get what we call Digital Stacks and that's the ability to visually see how much is in the actual collection. And you see blues has two or three albums, bluegrass only has one. If I scroll down, you can see the Latin collection has a little bit more. It really gives you a sense and an ability to make choices very quickly off of some visual information.

Lastly, we've improved performance. When I select songs, I'm going to scroll through, and this is a 10,000 song library. You can see how quickly I get the album art, I get the title, I get the ratings. That's the performance you should expect from the next generation Windows PC.

And because it's Windows Vista, search, which means I have that 10,000 song library, I can instantly scroll down to the ones I'm interested in. I can do it by artist. That's the type of control that we expect consumers are going to want and we're going to deliver within Windows Vista.

URGE: Microsoft and MTV

I'm actually going to bring Bill and introduce Van Toffler, the president of MTV Networks, the music group, to come back on stage and talk a little bit more about some of the things we're doing within music. (Applause.) Bill, Vance.


So thank you. I'm Van Toffler, and it's a privilege to represent MTV Networks here tonight to announce our new venture, URGE, alongside with Microsoft and Bill Gates. Though I have to tell you I'm personally really excited to give Mr. Gates in person backstage the massive $50 royalty check for being the inspiration for our MTV film "Napoleon Dynamite." (Laughter, applause.) Separated at birth. (Laughter.)

Bill, was that a bad career move to put that photo up? You don't need to answer that, it's too late.

Anyway, I thought I'd kick it old school by bringing some handwritten notes here. Microsoft and Bill Gates are synonymous with innovation and technological breakthroughs, and MTV Networks has been at the forefront of innovation around music and content catered for young adults for 20 plus years.

We were the first to put music on a new platform in the early '80s when we introduced the notion of music television, and you can all personally thank me later for introducing to the world both Milli Vanilli and Vanilla Ice, though I think it was a year apart, so please cut me a break.

And today the pairing of MTV Networks and Microsoft takes us down another path of innovation, the digital expansion and migration of the musical experience. The seeds of many of our cultural revolutions have been born in the world of music, and the digital revolution has proven to be no different. Today, with URGE we're bringing to market a unique approach to digital music, one focused on the emotional connection to music. URGE will offer a customized relationship with music, a sense of musical discovery, along with access to millions of songs from major labs and indies, an opportunity to listen to over a hundred radio stations, a chance to learn about the roots of songs and lyrics, plus interaction with hundreds of artists and access to their playlists of must-haves.

You can also take URGE and make it your own and personalize your own soundtrack and make it for any mood or event.

With URGE we're undertaking a long journey with music fans, and this is just the beginning. Like our TV brand, URGE will be continually reinvented. It will be programmed for music fans by music fans. Subscribers will customize and drive this service, they will tell us what sucks and what they hate about the service, they will customize it, program it, share it, change it and move with it.

In addition, taking advantage of our 25 year plus of experience and relationships with artists, labels and music fanatics, we will engage an army of music professionals, bloggers, musicians, creative gray album producing musical freaks, and experts in all genres of music who will help guide the consumer experience as well, which is definitely unique to URGE.

So please taken note we are trying something new with URGE, like music television was 25 years ago, and that's certainly needed some reinvention along the way. Can you say, "Flock of Seagulls video 30 times a day?" Thank God, times have changed. Yet, today with URGE it is our mission to create a truly immersive, emotional, engaging and entertaining experience around music, which will only get better with time.

So we believe today marks a great day for music, for labels, for artists and also marks the continuation of a wonderful collaboration between Microsoft and MTV Networks.

So maybe, Aaron, we can take a look at URGE?

AARON WOODMAN: Absolutely. We're super excited to be the ones to have the opportunity to give you guys a sneak preview of what the URGE music service is going to look like.

Right below my local library is the URGE music service, and it's really kind of

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