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The Most Dangerous Job In Vegas

Casinos in Las Vegas

06.03.2010, Writing up gossip in Sin City is the Wild West of entertainment beats. Norm Clarke is the sheriff.

Six days a week Norm Clarke churns out "Vegas Confidential," his gossip column for the Las Vegas Review-Journal. He's been insulted by Jerry Lewis and slapped by Pete Rose. His trademark black eye patch is hard to miss--magician Criss Angel once threatened to put Clarke's other eye out if he ever wrote about him again.

He's landed some Vegas-size scoops over the years too: Britney Spears' quicky wedding and annulment, which he covered in the same column; and Michael Jackson's secret return to Sin City three years ago.

former AP reporter, Clarke ditched Denver for Nevada after scoring $50,000 in the Colorado lottery. He used some of the money to buy a Vegas vacation home but since moved to the chic Las Vegas Country Club, a half mile off the Strip, where he lives with his girlfriend and two dogs, Rumor and Scandal. He spoke to Forbes in February.

You've had some infamous run-ins with celebrities. What was Pete Rose's beef?

I was having dinner at the Palms' steakhouse with Matt Drudge when Pete Rose came up to our table and slapped me in the face. I said, "What the f*** are you doing?" Rose said that I had ranked him as the worst tipper in town. I tried to tell him he wasn't the worst, just among the top 10 worst, but he wouldn't listen. Rose left, then Drudge turned to me and asked, "Did he just slap you?" I said yes, and Drudge said, "Well I certainly hope you're going to write about it tomorrow." I did.

How has Tiger Woods handled the gossip media? His press conference made it clear that Tiger still thinks he's calling the shots on this story. What we learned is that he's a control freak. Two-and-a-half years ago I got a tip that Tiger had a girlfriend. My reaction was: Is she blond? If you can't tell me with certainty it's not his wife, I can't run it.

What probably foreshadowed all this was Tiger hanging out with Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan. The chicks were lined up 10-deep around those guys. That's a lot of temptation to give up. But when you have a wife and two kids, the fact he did this for so long, having unprotected sex with all these skanky women, is incredible even to us hardened gossip columnists.

The Las Vegas economy hasn't exactly roared back, yet New York Observer Media Group launched Vegas Seven this month, a weekly focused on news and entertainment. Gossip may be a big deal in Las Vegas, but isn't this a lousy time to start a newspaper there, or anywhere?

I talked to Ryan Doherty, Vegas Seven's cofounder, and he told me his plan is to phase out the print publication within six years and compete on the Web.

I'm not sure I've encountered a business plan with a strategy to fold a newspaper before they launch it. Did the Observer try and poach you from the Las Vegas Review-Journal?

No, but their debut edition is a strong product out of the gate. They've been able to pick up some other very competent pros who have lost their jobs because of the economy.

How has gossip media changed since you came to Vegas a decade ago?

When I first arrived, I was competing with one other person and nobody was calling me with celebrity sightings. I was told that "what happens here stays here." That concept was firmly part of the Vegas culture. A high level PR person at a major hotel told me that no good could come from having our primo customers in a gossip column.

All that changed in 2001 when the Palms' opened with a radically different idea--a celebrity-driven business model. They sat around the boardroom table and realized there's very little downside to doing this. Anytime celebs show up at their steakhouse and nightclub, they let it be known.

After that, other hotels followed suit. Competition among resorts today has never been more fierce. Most have multiple entertainment venues. Not long ago, headliners, clubs and restaurants were lucky to get a mention in the paper once a month; now they are daily fixtures in sightings and on Web sites. There's far more buzz, and buzz is currency in this city.

Has anyone ever put a metric on what being mentioned in your column is worth?

A few years ago I got a letter from a man who said he was one of the most successful Realtors in San Francisco. He was moving to Las Vegas and wanted to propose a deal: I will give you $400 in cash every time you mention me, and I'd like to be mentioned twice a month. When people ask me how to get mentioned, I say: For $500 I'll put you in the column. For $5,000 I'll keep you out.

You report, shoot and tweet "Vegas Confidential" six days a week. Do you really have to work that hard?

There are nights when you feel all this is a throwback to Wild West journalism: Check out the saloons, say hello to a dancing girl to find out who's in town, chase a hot tip and work the phones. You do what it takes. If you don't have an assistant, tough. Twitter helps immensely because it lets us gossip chasers go "live." Those old AP days of running to a telephone and dictating to a middle man are long gone and I don't miss 'em.

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